** Références bibliographiques des membres de l’équipe « Nuages et précipitation à l’échelle des observations aéroportées et par télédetection » du LaMP/OPGC

Table des matières

11 Articles publiés en 2014
18 Articles publiés en 2013
8 Articles publiés en 2012
14 Articles publiés en 2011
13 Présentations dans une conférence en 2014
23 Présentations dans une conférence en 2013
32 Présentations dans une conférence en 2012
18 Présentations dans une conférence en 2011
2 Thèses soutenues en 2013
3 Thèses soutenues en 2011

11 Articles publiés en 2014

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[1] Ancellet, G., J. Pelon , Y. Blanchard, B. Quennehen, A. Bazureau , K. S. Law, and A. Schwarzenbö ck, 2014: Transport of aerosol to the Arctic: analysis of CALIOP and French aircraft data during the spring 2008 POLARCAT campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14 (16), 8235–8254 DOI 10.5194/acp-14-8235-2014.

[2] Brenot, H., A. Walpersdorf , M. Reverdy, J. S. Van Baelen, V. Ducrocq, C. Champollion, F. Masson, E. Doerflinger , P. Collard, and P. Giroux, 2014: A GPS network for tropospheric tomography in the framework of the Mediterranean hydrometeorological observatory Cévennes-Vivarais (southeastern France). Atmos. Measur. Tech., 7 (2), 553–578 DOI 10.5194/amt-7-553-2014.

[3] Ducrocq, V., I. Braud , S. Davolio, R. Ferretti, C. Flamant , A. Jansa, N. Kalthoff, E. R ichard, I. Taupier -Letage, P.-A. Ayral, S. Belamari , A. Berne, M. Borga , B. Boudevillain, O. Bock, J.-L. B oichard, M.-N. Bouin, O. Bousquet, C. B ouvier, J. Chiggiato , D. Cimini , U. Corsmeier, L. Coppola , P. Cocquerez, E. Defer, J. D elanoë, P. Di Girolamo, A. Doerenbecher, P. Drobinski, Y. Dufournet , N. Fourrié, J. J. Gourley , L. Labatut, D. Lambert , J. Le Coz , F. S. Marzano, G. Molinié , A. Montani , G. Nord, M. Nuret, K. R amage, W. Rison , O. Roussot , F. Saïd, A. Schwarzenböck , P. Testor, J. S. Van B aelen, B. Vincendon , M. Aran, and J. Tamayo , 2014: HyMeX-SOP1: The field campaign dedicated to heavy precipitation and flash flooding in the Northwestern Mediterranean. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (7), 1083–1100 DOI 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00244.1.

[4] Fauchez, T., C. Cornet , F. Szczap, P. Dubuisson, and T. Rosambert , 2014: Impact of cirrus clouds heterogeneities on top-of-atmosphere thermal infrared radiation. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14 (11), 5599–5615 DOI 10.5194/acp-14-5599-2014.

[5] Fontaine, E., A. Schwarzenb öck, J. Delanoë , W. Wobrock , D. Leroy, R. Dupuy, C. G ourbeyre, and A. Protat , 2014: Constraining mass-diameter relations from hydrometeor images and cloud radar reflectivities in tropical continental and oceanic convective anvils. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14 (20), 11367–11392 DOI 10.5194/acp-14-11367-2014.

[6] Freney, E. J., K. Sellegri, F. C anonaco, A. Colomb , A. Borbon , V. Michoud, J.-F. Doussin, S. Crumeyrolle, N. Amarouche , J.-M. Pichon, T. Bourianne, L. Gomes, A. S. H. Prevot , M. Beekmann, and A. Schwarzenbö ck, 2014: Characterizing the impact of urban emissions on regional aerosol particles: airborne measurements during the MEGAPOLI experiment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14 (3), 1397–1412 DOI 10.5194/acp-14-1397-2014.

[7] Gayet, J.-F., V. N. Shcherbakov, L. Bugliaro , A. Protat, J. Delano ë, J. Pelon , and A. Garnier, 2014: Microphysical properties and high ice water content in continental and oceanic mesoscale convective systems and potential implications for commercial aircraft at flight altitude. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14 (2), 899–912 DOI 10.5194/acp-14-899-2014.

[8] Kaufmann, S., C. Voigt , P. Jeberger, T. Jurkat, H. Schlager , A. Schwarzenböck, M. Klingebiel, and T. Thornberry , 2014: In situ measurements of ice saturation in young contrails. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41 (2), 702–709 DOI 10.1002/2013GL058276.

[9] Planche, C., W. Wobrock , and A. I. Flossmann, 2014: The continuous melting process in a cloud-scale model using a bin microphysics scheme. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 140 (683), 1986–1996 DOI 10.1002/qj.2265.

[10] Szczap, F., Y. Gour , T. Fauchez, C. Cornet, T. F aure, O. Jourdan , G. Penide, and P. Dubuisson, 2014: A flexible three-dimensional stratocumulus, cumulus and cirrus cloud generator (3DCLOUD) based on drastically simplified atmospheric equations and the Fourier transform framework. Geosci. Model Develop., 7 (4), 1779–1801 DOI 10.5194/gmd-7-1779-2014.

[11] Weckwerth, T. M., L. J. Bennett, L. J. Miller, J. S. Van Baelen, P. Di Girolamo , A. M. Blyth , and T. J. Hertneky, 2014: An observational and modeling study of the processes leading to deep, moist convection in complex terrain. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142 (8), 2687–2708 DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-13-00216.1.

18 Articles publiés en 2013

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[1] Baray, J.-L., Y. Courcoux , P. Keckhut, T. Portafaix, P. Tulet , J.-P. Cammas, A. Hauchecorne, S. G. Beekmann, M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, F. Desmet , K. Sellegri , A. Colomb, M. Ramonet, J. S ciare, C. Vuillemin , C. Hoareau, D. Dionisi, V. D uflot, H.r èmes, J. Porteneuve, F. Gabarrot, T. G audo, J.-M. Metzger, G. Payen, J. L. de Bellevue, C. Barthe, F. Posny , P. Ricaud, A. Abchiche, and R. Delmas, 2013: Maïdo observatory: a new high-altitude station facility at Reunion Island (21o S, 55o E) for long-term atmospheric remote sensing and in situ measurements. Atmos. Measur. Tech., 6 (10) , 2865–2877 DOI 10.5194/amt-6-2865-2013.

[2] Bierwirth, E., A. Ehrlich , M. Wendisch, J.-F. Gayet, C. Gourbeyre , R. Dupuy, A. Herber, R. N euber, and A. Lampert , 2013: Optical thickness and effective radius of Arctic boundary-layer clouds retrieved from airborne nadir and imaging spectrometry. Atmos. Measur. Tech., 6 (5), 1189–1200 DOI 10.5194/amt-6-1189-2013.

[3] Cornet, C., F. Szczap , L. C.-Labonnote, T. Fauchez, F. Parol , F. Thieuleux, J. Riedi, P. D ubuisson, and N. Ferlay , 2013: Evaluation of cloud heterogeneity effects on total and polarized visible radiances as measured by POLDER/PARASOL and consequences for retrieved cloud properties. AIP Conf. Proc., 1531, 99–102 DOI 10.1063/1.4804717.

[4] Crumeyrolle, S., A. Schwarzenböck , J.-C. Roger, K. Sellegri , J. F. Burkhart, A. Stohl, L. G omes, B. Quennehen , G. Roberts, R. Weigel, P. V illani, J.-M. Pichon, T. Bourrianne, and P. Laj, 2013: Overview of aerosol properties associated with air masses sampled by the ATR-42 during the EUCAARI campaign (2008). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13 (9), 4877–4893 DOI 10.5194/acp-13-4877-2013.

[5] Crumeyrolle, S., R. Weigel , K. Sellegri, G. Roberts , L. Gomes, A. Stohl, P. L aj, G. Momboisse , T. Bourianne , V. Puygrenier, F. Burnet, F. C hosson, J. L. Brenguier , J. M. Etcheberry, P. Villani, J.-M. Pichon, and A. Schwarzenbö ck, 2013: Airborne investigation of the aerosols-cloud interactions in the vicinity and within a marine stratocumulus over the North Sea during EUCAARI (2008). Atmos. Environ., 81 (1), 288–303 DOI 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.035.

[6] Delanoë, J., A. Protat, O. J ourdan, J. Pelon , M. Papazzoni , R. Dupuy, J.-F. Gayet, and C. Jouan, 2013: Comparison of airborne in situ, airborne radar-lidar, and spaceborne radar-lidar retrievals of polar ice cloud properties sampled during the POLARCAT campaign. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 30 (1), 57–73 DOI 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00200.1.

[7] Dionisi, D., P. Keckhut , C. Hoareau, N. Montoux, and F. Congeduti , 2013: Cirrus crystal fall velocity estimates using the Match method with ground-based lidars: first investigation through a case study. Atmos. Measur. Tech., 6 (2), 457–470 DOI 10.5194/amt-6-457-2013.

[8] Drobinski, P., V. Ducrocq , P. Arbogast, C. Basdevant, S. Bastin , L. Beguery, S. Belamari , K. Béranger, O. Bock, M.-N. B ouin, B. Boudevillain , O. Bousquet, C. Bouvier, I. B raud, J.-C. Calvet, C. Champollion, A. Chanzy, M. C laude, P. Cocquerez , L. Coppola, S. Coquillat, D. Courault, E. Defer , J. Delanoë, G. Delrieu , A. Doerenbecher, A. Dorfliger , M. Estèves, C. Estournel, C. Flamant , N. Fourri é, O. Garrouste, E. Gaume , H. Giordani, L. Gomes , G. Roberts , H. Jourde, L. Labatut, D. L ambert, J. Le Coz, W. L udwig, C. Lutoff , J.-F. Mahfouf, E. Martin, L. Mastrorillo , N. Mathys, Y. Michel , M. Nuret, F. Orain, S. P erez, C. Prigent , O. Radakovitch , K. Ramage, E. Richard, J.-L. Roujeau, O. Roussot , I. Ruin, F. Saïd, A. Schwarzenb öck, K. Sellegri , S. Somot, I. Taupier-Letage, P. Testor, J. S. Van B aelen, and J.-P. Vandervaere, 2013: HyMeX, le cycle de l’eau méditerranéen à la loupe. La Météorologie , VIII (80), 23–36, http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/48786.

[9] Ducrocq, V., S. Belamari , B. Boudevillain, O. Bousquet , P. Cocquerez, A. Doerenbecher, P. Drobinski , C. Flamant, L. Labatut, D. L ambert, M. Nuret , E. Richard , O. Roussot, P. Testor, P. A rbogast, P.-A. Ayral, J. S. Van Baelen, C. Basdevant, J.-L. Boichard, D. Bourras , C. Bouvier, M.-N. Bouin, O. B ock, I. Braud , C. Champollion, L. Coppola, S. Coquillat , E. Defer, J. Delanoë , G. Delrieu, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, P. Durand, C. Estournel, N. Fourrié, O. Garrouste , H. Giordani, J. Le Coz, Y. Michel, O. Nuissier , G. Roberts, F. Saïd, A. Schwarzenb öck, K. Sellegri , I. Taupier-Letage , and J.-P. Vandervaere, 2013: HyMeX, les campagnes de mesures : focus sur les événements extrêmes en Méditerranée. La Météorologie, VIII (80), 37–47, http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/48786.

[10] Fauchez, T., C. Cornet , F. Szczap, and P. Dubuisson, 2013: Assessment of cloud heterogeneities effects on brightness temperatures simulated with a 3D Monte Carlo code in the thermal infrared. AIP Conf. Proc., 1531, 75–78 DOI 10.1063/1.4804711.

[11] Jeberger, P., C. Voigt , U. Schumann, I. Sölch, H. Schlager , S. Kaufmann, A. Petzold, D. S chäuble , and J.-F. Gayet, 2013: Aircraft type influence on contrail properties. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13 (23), 11965–11984 DOI 10.5194/acp-13-11965-2013.

[12] Keckhut, P., J.-M. Perrin , G. Thuillier, C. Hoareau, J. Porteneuve , and N. Montoux, 2013: Subgrid-scale cirrus observed by lidar at mid-latitude: variability effects of the cloud optical depth. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 7 (1), 073530–DOI 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073530.

[13] Labbouz, L., J. S. Van Baelen, F. Tridon, M. Reverdy , M. Hagen, M. Bender, G. Dick , T. Gorgas, and C. Planche, 2013: Precipitation on the lee side of the Vosges Mountains: Multi-instrumental study of one case from the COPS campaign. Meteor. Zeit., 22 (4) , 413–432 DOI 10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0413.

[14] Planche, C., W. Wobrock , A. I. Flossmann, F. Tridon, L. Labbouz , and J. S. Van Baelen, 2013: Small scale topography influence on the formation of three convective systems observed during COPS over the Vosges Mountains. Meteor. Zeit., 22 (4), 395–411 DOI 10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0402.

[15] Shcherbakov, V. N., 2013: Why the 46 o halo is seen far less often than the 22o halo?. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 124 (1), 37–44 DOI 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2013.03.002.

[16] Sourdeval, O., L. C.-Labonnote , G. Brogniez, O. Jourdan, J. P elon, and A. Garnier , 2013: A variational approach for retrieving ice cloud properties from infrared measurements: application in the context of two IIR validation campaigns. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13 (16), 8229–8244 DOI 10.5194/acp-13-8229-2013.

[17] Szczap, F., C. Cornet , A. Alqassem, Y. Gour , L. C.-Labonnote, and O. Jourdan, 2013: A 3D polarized Monte Carlo LIDAR system simulator for studying effects of cirrus inhomogeneities on CALIOP/CALIPSO measurements. AIP Conf. Proc., 1531, 139–142 DOI 10.1063/1.4804727.

[18] Van Baelen, J. S. , 2013: Pluie, neige, grêle... entre le ciel et la terre. Dossier Pour la Science, 98, 68–72, http://www.pourlascience.fr/ewb_pages/f/fiche-article-pluie-neige-grele-entre-le-ciel-et-la-terre-3 0852.php.

8 Articles publiés en 2012

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[1] Baran, A. J., J.-F. Gayet, and V. N. Shcherbakov, 2012: On the interpretation of an unusual in-situ measured ice crystal scattering phase function. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (19), 9355–9364 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-9355-2012.

[2] Baumgardner, D., L. Avallone , A. Bansemer, S. Borrmann, P. B rown, U. Bundke , P. Y. Chuang, D. Cziczo, P. Field , M. Gallagher, J.-F. Gayet, A. H eymsfield, A. Korolev , M. Krämer, G. Mcarquhar, S. Mertes , O.hler , S. Lance, P. Lawson, M. D. Petters, K. Pratt , G. Roberts, D. Rogers, O. S tetzer, J. Stith , W. Strapp , C. Twohy, and M. Wendisch, 2012: In situ, airborne instrumentation: Addressing and solving measurement problems in ice clouds. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93 (2) , ES29–ES34 DOI 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00123.1.

[3] Ehrlich, A., E. Bierwirth , M. Wendisch, A. Herber, and J.-F. Gayet, 2012: Airborne hyperspectral observations of surface and cloud directional reflectivity using a commercial digital camera. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (7), 3493–3510 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-3493-2012.

[4] Febvre, G., J.-F. Gayet , V. N. Shcherbakov, C. Gourbeyre , and O. Jourdan, 2012: Some effects of ice crystals on the FSSP measurements in mixed phase clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (19), 8963–8977 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-8963-2012.

[5] Gayet, J.-F., G. Mioche , L. Bugliaro, A. Protat , A. Minikin, M. Wirth, A. Dö rnbrack, V. N. Shcherbakov, B. Mayer, A. G arnier, and C. Gourbeyre, 2012: On the observation of unusual high concentration of small chain-like aggregate ice crystals and large ice water contents near the top of a deep convective cloud during the CIRCLE-2 experiment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (2), 727–744 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-727-2012.

[6] Gayet, J.-F., V. N. Shcherbakov, C. Voigt , U. Schumann , D. Schäuble, P. Jessberger, A. Petzold , A. Minikin , H. Schlager, O. Dubovik, and T. Lapyonok, 2012: The evolution of microphysical and optical properties of an A380 contrail in the vortex phase. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (14), 6629–6643 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-6629-2012.

[7] Hervo, M., B. Quennehen , N. I. Kristiansen, J. Boulon, A. Stohl , P. Fréville, J.-M. Pichon, D. Picard, P. L abazuy, M. Gouhier , J.-C. Roger, A. C olomb, A. Schwarzenb öck, and K. Sellegri, 2012: Physical and optical properties of 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption aerosol: ground-based, Lidar and airborne measurements in France. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (4), 1721–1736 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-1721-2012.

[8] Quennehen, B., A. Schwarzenb öck, A. Matsuki, J. F. Burkhart, A. Stohl, G. A ncellet, and K. S. Law, 2012: Anthropogenic and forest fire pollution aerosol transported to the Arctic: observations from the POLARCAT-France spring campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (14), 6437–6454 DOI 10.5194/acp-12-6437-2012.

14 Articles publiés en 2011

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[1] Baumgardner, D., J. L. Brenguier, A. Bucholtz , H. Coe, P. Demott, T. J. Garrett, J.-F. Gayet, M. H ermann, A. Heymsfield , A. Korolev, M. Kr ämer, A. Petzold, W. S trapp, P. Pilewskie , J. Taylor , C. Twohy, M. Wendisch, W. B achalo, and P. Chuang , 2011: Airborne instruments to measure atmospheric aerosol particles, clouds and radiation: A cook’s tour of mature and emerging technology. Atmos. Res., 102 (1-2), 10–29 DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.06.021.

[2] Crumeyrolle, S., P. Tulet , L. Gomes, L. Garcia-Carreras, C. Flamant, D. J. Parker , A. Matsuki, P. Formenti, and A. Schwarzenb öck, 2011: Transport of dust particles from the Bodélé region to the monsoon layer - AMMA case study of the 9-14 June 2006 period. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (2), 479–494 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-479-2011.

[3] Gayet, J.-F., G. Mioche , V. N. Shcherbakov, C. Gourbeyre, R. Busen, and A. Minikin , 2011: Optical properties of pristine ice crystals in mid-latitude cirrus clouds: a case study during CIRCLE-2 experiment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (6), 2537–2544 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-2537-2011.

[4] Hagen, M., J. S. Van Baelen, and É. Richard, 2011: Influence of the wind profile on the initiation of convection in mountainous terrain. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137 (S1) , 224–235 DOI 10.1002/qj.784.

[5] bbeler, M., M. Hildebrandt , J. Meyer, C. Schiller, T. Hamburger , T. Jurkat, A. Minikin , A. Petzold, M. Rautenhaus, H. Schlager, U. Schumann , C. Voigt, P. Spichtinger, J.-F. Gayet, C. Gourbeyre , and M. Krämer, 2011: Thin and subvisible cirrus and contrails in a subsaturated environment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (12), 5853–5865 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-5853-2011.

[6] Merlaud, A., M. Van R oozendael, N. Theys , C. Fayt, C. Hermans , B. Quennehen, A. Schwarzenbö ck, G. Ancellet , M. Pommier, J. Pelon, J. Burkhart , A. Stohl, and M. De Mazière, 2011: Airborne DOAS measurements in Arctic: vertical distributions of aerosol extinction coefficient and NO2 concentration. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (17), 9219–9236 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-9219-2011.

[7] Quennehen, B., A. Schwarzenb öck, J. Schmale, J. Schneider , H. Sodemann, A. Stohl, G. A ncellet, S. Crumeyrolle , and K. S. Law, 2011: Physical and chemical properties of pollution aerosol particles transported from North America to Greenland as measured during the POLARCAT summer campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (21), 10947–10963 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-10947-2011.

[8] Schmale, J., J. Schneider , G. Ancellet, B. Quennehen, A. Stohl , H. Sodemann, J. F. Burkhart, T. Hamburger, S. R. Arnold , A. Schwarzenböck, S. Borrmann , and K. S. Law, 2011: Source identification and airborne chemical characterisation of aerosol pollution from long-range transport over Greenland during POLARCAT summer campaign 2008. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (19), 10097–10123 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-10097-2011.

[9] Schumann, U., B. Mayer , K. Gierens, S. Unterstrasser, P. Jessberger , A. Petzold, C. Voigt, and J.-F. Gayet, 2011: Effective radius of ice particles in cirrus and contrails. J. Atmos. Sci., 68 (2), 300–321 DOI 10.1175/2010JAS3562.1.

[10] Schumann, U., B. Weinzierl , O. Reitebuch, H. Schlager , A. Minikin, C. Forster, R. B aumann, T. Sailer , K. Graf, H. Mannstein, C. Voigt, S. Rahm , R. Simmet , M. Scheibe, M. Lichtenstern, P. Stock, H.ba , D. Schäuble, A. Tafferner, M. Rautenhaus , T. Gerz , H. Ziereis, M. Krautstrunk, C. Mallaun, J.-F. Gayet, K. L ieke, K. Kandler , M. Ebert, S. Weinbruch, A. Stohl , J. Gasteiger, S. Groß, V. F reudenthaler, M. Wiegner , A. Ansmann, M. Tesche, H. O lafsson, and K. Sturm , 2011: Airborne observations of the Eyjafjalla volcano ash cloud over Europe during air space closure in April and May 2010. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11 (5), 2245–2279 DOI 10.5194/acp-11-2245-2011.

[11] Tridon, F., J. S. Van Baelen, and Y. B. Pointin, 2011: Aliasing in Micro Rain Radar data due to strong vertical winds. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38 (2), L02804, DOI 10.1029/2010GL046018.

[12] Van Baelen, J. S. , M. Reverdy, F. Tridon, L. L abbouz, G. Dick , M. Bender, and M. Hagen , 2011: On the relationship between water vapour field evolution and the life cycle of precipitation systems. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137 (S1), 204–223 DOI 10.1002/qj.785.

[13] Voigt, C., U. Schumann , P. Jessberger, T. Jurkat, A. Petzold , J.-F. Gayet, M. Krämer, T. Thornberry , and D. W. Fahey , 2011: Extinction and optical depth of contrails. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38 (11), L11806, DOI 10.1029/2011GL047189.

[14] Wulfmeyer, V., A. Behrendt , C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier , C. Barthlott, G. C. Craig, M. H agen, D. Althausen , F. Aoshima, M. Arpagaus, H.-S. Bauer, L. Bennett , A. Blyth, C. Brandau, C. C hampollion, S. Crewell , G. Dick , P. Di Girolamo , M. Dorninger, Y. Dufournet, R. Eigenmann , R. Engelmann, C. Flamant, T. F oken, T. Gorgas , M. Grzeschik, J. Handwerker, C. Hauck, H.ller , W. Junkermann, N. Kalthoff, C. K iemle, S. Klink , M. König, L. Krauss, C. N. Long, F. M adonna, S. Mobbs , B. Neininger, S. Pal, G. Peters , G. Pigeon, É. Richard, M. W. Rotach, H. Russchenberg , T. Schwitalla , V. Smith, R. Steinacker, J. Trentmann, D. D. Turner , J. S. Van Baelen, S. Vogt , H. Volkert, T. Weckwerth , H. Wernli, A. Wieser, and M. Wirth, 2011: The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137 (S1), 3–30 DOI 10.1002/qj.752.

13 Présentations dans une conférence en 2014

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[1] Chauvigné, A., N. Montoux, P. F réville , M. Hervo, and K. Sellegri , 2014: Comparison of the aerosol size distribution retrieval from a sun photometer with in situ measurements at high altitude: taking into account the effect of water uptake. In: Proceeding of the 4th ACTRIS General Meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, France (June 10-13), P4.24.

[2] Defer, E., O. Bousquet , J. Delanoë, P. Krehbiel , S. Pedeboy , J.-P. Pinty, W. Rison, W. S chulz, and A. Schwarzenb öck, 2014: Preliminary results on the study of the lightning activity and the cloud properties recorded during the SOP1-IOP6 (24 September 2012). In: Proceeding of the 8th HyMeX International workshop, Valletta, Malta (Sept. 15-18), Poster.

[3] Delanoë, J., J.-P. Vinson, C. Caudoux, A. Guignard , E. Fontaine , A. Schwarzenböck, and C. F lamant, 2014: An update on cloud dynamic and microphysics products derived from RASTA measurements during HYMEX-SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 8th HyMeX International workshop, Valletta, Malta (Sept. 15-18), Poster.

[4] Denjean, C., C. Di B iagio, S. Chevaillier , C. Gaimoz, N. Grand , R. Loisil, S. Triquet, P. Z apf, G. Roberts , T. Bourrianne , B. Torres, L. Blarel, K. S ellegri, E. Freney , A. Schwarzenböck, F. Ravetta, B. Laurent , M. Mallet , and P. Formenti, 2014: Optical, physical and chemical properties of transported African mineral dust aerosols in the Mediterranean region. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 27-May 2), AS4.11 114:30–14:45 EGU2014–10940, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2014/EGU2014-10940.pdf.

[5] Flamant, C., J.-P. Chaboureau, P. Chazette , P. Di Girolamo , E. J. Freney, F. Burnet, J. Banks , A. Schwarzenböck, and R. D upuy, 2014: The impact of desert dust on the life cycle of convection in the Mediterranean basin: a case study from the HYMEX SOP 1. In: Résumé de l’Ateliers de Modélisation de l’Atmosphère (AMA) : Modélisation des aérosols et leurs impacts aux différentes échelles, Toulouse (Jan.20-22), Poster.

[6] Flamant, C., J.-P. Chaboureau, P. Chazette, P. D i Girolamo, E. J. Freney, F. Burnet, J. Banks , A. Schwarzenböck, and R. Dupuy , 2014: The impact of desert dust on the life cycle of convection in the Mediterranean basin: a case study from the HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 8th HyMeX International workshop, Valletta, Malta (Sept. 15-18), 08:45 Th1.2.

[7] Mioche, G., O. Jourdan , A. Schwarzenböck, C. Gourbeyre , M. Ceccaldi, and J. Delanoë , 2014: Mixed phase clouds in the Arctic : Investigating MPC microphysical properties from regional to small scale based on the synergy of spaceborne remote sensing and airborne in situ observations. In: Proceeding of the 14th Conference on Cloud Physics and Anthony Slingo Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (July 7-11), Poster P5–77, https://ams.confex.com/ams/14CLOUD14ATRAD/webprogram/Paper250879.html.

[8] Saïd, F., B. Campistron , D. Lambert, H. Delbarre, M. A badie, J. Aranda , E. Bargain, F. Besson, Y. B ezombes, J.-L. Boichard, J.-L. Bourrian, O. Bousquet, G. C anut, G. Cherel , S. Derrien, A. Doerenbecher, J.-M. Donier, T. Douffet , P. Durand, J. Estrampes, A. Ezcurra, A. Frappier , J. Garcia-Moya , O. Garrouste , J. Guijarro, R. Guillot , C. Hervier, J. Jouve , J. Lovichi, M. Macaigne , M. M. Maruri, E. Pique, Y. B. P ointin, S. Prieur , E. Richard, C. Ruffin-Soler, A. Sokolov, D. Subra , J. Torres, M. Turp, and B. P iguet, 2014: Wind field conditions in the North-Western Mediterranean basin monitored by a network of wind profiler radars.. In: Proceeding of the 14th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, São José dos Campos, Brazil (May 25-31), Poster 63.

[9] Saïd, F., B. Campistron , D. Lambert, H. Delbarre, M. A badie, J. Aranda , E. Bargain, F. Besson, Y. B ezombes, J.-L. Boichard, J.-L. Bourrian, O. Bousquet, G. C anut, G. Cherel , S. Derrien, A. Doerenbecher, J.-M. Donier, T. Douffet , P. Durand, J. Estrampes, A. Ezcurra, A. Frappier , J. Garcia-Moya , O. Garrouste, J. Gu ijarro, R. Guillot, C. Hervier , J. Jouve, J. Lovichi, M. M acaigne, M. M. Maruri, B. Piguet, E. Pique , Y. B. Pointin, S. Prieur, E. Richard , C. Ruffin-Soler , A. Sokolov, D. Subra, J. Torres , and M. Turp, 2014: First results on wind conditions in the North-Western Mediterranean basin observed by a network of wind profiler radars. In: Proceeding of the 8th HyMeX International workshop, Valletta, Malta (Sept. 15-18), Poster.

[10] Van Baelen, J. S. , 2014: Étude de la variabilité de l’humidité atmosphérique et suivi de l’humidité des sols par GPS en vue de l’amélioration des pratiques agricoles. In: Résumés de l’Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI) par Météo-France, l’INSU, l’IFREMER, l’IRD, le CNES et le SHOM, Toulouse, France (Nov. 12-13), Poster 3.12.

[11] Van Baelen, J. S. , 2014: La plateforme mobile radar bande X haute résolution du LaMP : Étude et suivi de l’hétérogénéité des précipitations. In: Résumés de l’Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI) par Météo-France, l’INSU, l’IFREMER, l’IRD, le CNES et le SHOM, Toulouse, France (Nov. 12-13), 09:50–10:10.

[12] Zwiebel, J., J. Van B aelen, S. Anquetin , Y. B. Pointin, and B. Boudevillain, 2014: Rainfall characteristics along mountainous transect. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 27-May 2), AS1.6/NP4.7 Poster EGU2014–6918, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2014/EGU2014-6918.pdf.

[13] Zwiebel, J., J. S. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, Y. B. Pointin, and B. Boudevillain, 2014: Orographic impact on the horizontal and vertical structure of precipitation during SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 8th HyMeX International workshop, Valletta, Malta (Sept. 15-18), 15:15 W3.6.

23 Présentations dans une conférence en 2013

Retour vers la table des matières

[1] Anquetin, S., L. Barthes , A. Berne, B. Boudevillain, O. Bousquet , J.-D. Creutin, J. Delanoë , G. Delrieu, S.rard , D. Lambert , G. Molinié, Y. B. Pointin , E. Richard, and J. S. Van B aelen, 2013: Structure of the orographic precipitation in Mediterranean areas. The observation strategy implemented during the HyMEx enhanced observation period. In: Proceeding of the 2013 PMM (NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions) Science Team Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. (March 18-21), Poster 108, http://pmm.nasa.gov/node/771.

[2] Bousquet, O., A. Berne , J. Delanoë, Y. Dufournet , J. J. Gourley , J. S. Van Baelen, C. Augros , L. Besson, B. Boudevillain , O. Caumont, S. Coquillat , E. Defer, V. Ducrocq, J. G razioli, D. J. Jorgensen, P.-E. Kirstetter, J.-F. Ribaud, D. Scipion, H. Al-S akka, A.-A. Boumahmoud, J. Beck , B. Fradon, A. Schwarzenb öck, and P. Tabary, 2013: Multiple-frequency radar observations collected in Southern France during HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), Poster 2.6.

[3] Cornet, C., L. C.-Labonnote , J. Riédi, F. Szczap, F. Waquet , and Z. Zhang, 2013: Cloud heterogeneities effects on angular polarized visible reflectances as measured by POLDER. In: Proceeding of the 14th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Lille, France (June 17-21), 169, http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/ELS-XIV/documents/abstracts/ELSXIV_abs169.pdf.

[4] Delanoë, J., J.-P. Vinson, C. Caudoux, M. Ceccaldi , E. Fontaine , A. Schwarzenböck, and C. Flamant , 2013: Cloud dynamic and microphysics derived from RASTA measurements during HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), 09:15 M1.1.

[5] Duroure, C., R. Dupuy , E. Fontaine , and A. Schwarzenböck, 2013: Use of imaging probes to quantify the balance between riming and aggregation processes in the precipitation fields of mesoscale convective cloud systems (MCS) sampled during HyMeX 2012. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), 09:45 M1.3.

[6] Fauchez, T., C. Cornet , F. Szczap, and P. Dubuisson, 2013: Cirrus clouds heterogeneities impacts on the brightness temperature in the thermal infrared. In: Proceeding of the 14th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Lille, France (June 17-21), 164, http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/ELS-XIV/documents/abstracts/ELSXIV_abs164.pdf.

[7] Flamant, C., J.-P. Chaboureau, P. Chazette , P. Di Girolamo, E. J. Freney, A. Schwarzenböck , R. Dupuy, and F. Burnet , 2013: The impact of desert dust on the life cycle of convection in the Mediterranean basin: A case study from the HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), Poster 3.16.

[8] Flamant, C. and A. Schwarzenböck , 2013: Le cycle de l’eau atmosphérique: vapeur d’eau et microphysique des nuages. Exemple Hymex . In: Résumés du séminaire SAFIRE2013 : Les mesures aéroportées d’observation de la terre et de l’atmosphère : apport pour la recherche, Toulouse (Avril 4-5), 14:00.

[9] Fontaine, E., E. Drigeard , W. Wobrock , and A. Schwarzenböck, 2013: A comparison of microphysics in deep tropical convection forming over the continent and over the Ocean. In: Proceeding of the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 Air, Ice and Process Interactions, Davos, Switzerland (July 8-12), WE–47_C2.1.

[10] Fontaine, E., R. Dupuy , C. Duroure, C. Gourbeyre, J. Delano ë, and A. Schwarzenböck , 2013: Determination of area-diameter and mass-diameter relationships from ice particle imagery in order to deduce IWC within mid-latitude convective clouds observed over the Mediterranean basin. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), 10:00 M1.4.

[11] Freney, E. J., R. Dupuy , K. Sellegri, A. Colomb, M. R ibeiro, J.-M. Pichon, T. Bourrianne, G. Momboisse, F. Burnet , and A. Schwarzenb öck, 2013: Characterisation of aerosol chemical and physical properties measured during HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), 09:30 M1.2.

[12] Guyot, G., V. Shcherbakov , O. Jourdan, A. Schwarzenb öck, P. Tunved, F. O loffson, R. Dupuy , G. Febvre , and C. Gourbeyre, 2013: Ground based in situ measurements of arctic cloud microphysical and optical properties at Mount Zeppelin (Ny-Ålesund Svalbard): preliminary results . In: Proceeding of the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 Air, Ice and Process Interactions, Davos, Switzerland (July 8-12), MO–37_C2.3, http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/posters/13-DACA.pdf.

[13] Jourdan, O., G. Mioche , T. J. Garrett, A. Schwarzenb öck, J. Vidot, Y. X ie, V. N. Shcherbakov, P. Yang, and J.-F. Gayet, 2013: Coupling of the microphysical and optical properties of Arctic mixed phase clouds during ASTAR experiments: Implications for light scattering modelling. In: Proceeding of the 14th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Lille, France (June 17-21), 172, http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/ELS-XIV/documents/abstracts/ELSXIV_abs172.pdf.

[14] Mcarquhar, G. M., J. Um, T.-L. H sieh, M. Freer , B. F. Jewett, J. Mascio, S. K. Kim , K. Yaffe, T. Nousiainen, J. Tiira , H. Lindqvist, A. Schwarzenbö ck, and A. Delplanque , 2013: Use of in-situ cloud probe data to derive bulk cloud parameters and their uncertainties: Impacts for models and remote sensing retrievals. In: Proceeding of the 46th AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, California, (Dec. 9-13), 2:55–3:10 A43H–06.

[15] Mioche, G., O. Jourdan , F. Szczap, G. Guyot , C. Gourbeyre, R. Dupuy, J. D elanoë, and A. Schwarzenb öck, 2013: Arctic mixed phase clouds properties based on airborne in situ and remote sensing measurements. In: Proceeding of the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 Air, Ice and Process Interactions, Davos, Switzerland (July 8-12), 1004.

[16] Molinié, G., S. Anquetin, L. Barth ès, A. Berne, J. B ech, B. Boudevillain , J.-D. Creutin, J. Grazioli, T. R aupach, J. S. Van Baelen, and J. Zwiebel , 2013: Structure of the rainfall intensity at the sub-kilometer scale using measurements around the HpicoNet . In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), 9:30 T1.4.

[17] Saïd, F., B. Campistron, D. Lambert, H. Delbarre , M. Abadie, J. A. Aranda, E. Bargain, F. Besson , Y. Bezombes, J.-L. Boichard, J.-L. Bourrian, O. Bousquet , G. Cherel, S. Derrien, A. D oerenbecher, J.-M. Donier, T. Douffet, J. E strampes, A. Ezcurra , N. Fouri é, A. Frappier, J. Garcia-M oya, O. Garrouste , J. Guijarro, R. Guillot , C. Hervier, J. Jouve , J. Lovichi, M. Macaigne, M. M aruri, E. Pique , Y. B. Pointin, S. Prieur, C. R uffin-Soler, A. Sokolov , D. Subra, J. Torres, and M. Turp, 2013: Wind field conditions in the North-Western Mediterranean basin monitored by a network of wind profiler radars. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), Poster 3.27.

[18] Shcherbakov, V. N., 2013: Why the 46 o halo is seen far less often than the 22o halo?. In: Proceeding of the 14 th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Lille, France (June 17-21), 39, http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/ELS-XIV/documents/abstracts/ELSXIV_abs39.pdf.

[19] Szczap, F., C. Cornet , L. C.-Labonnote, Y. Gour, , and O. Jourdan , 2013: A 3D polarized Monte Carlo spaceborne LIDAR system simulator for investigating cirrus inhomogeneities effects on their retrieved optical properties. In: Proceeding of the 14th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Lille, France (June 17-21), 195, http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/ELS-XIV/documents/abstracts/ELSXIV_abs195.pdf.

[20] Van Baelen, J. S. , J. Zwiebel , S. Anquetin, B. Boudevillain, and Y. B. Pointin, 2013: High resolution precipitation measurements during the HYMEX campaign: Preliminary results. In: Proceeding of the 11th International Precipitation Conference, Ede-Wageningen, The Netherlands (June 30-July 3), 15:15–15:30.

[21] Zwiebel, J., J. S. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, A. Berne , B. Boudevillain , J. Grazioli, Y. B. Pointin, and T. Raupach , 2013: High resolution precipitation measurements during the HYMEX campaign: Preliminary results. In: Proceeding of the 36th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Breckenridge, USA (Sept. 16-20), Poster 223.

[22] Zwiebel, J., J. S. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, B. Boudevillain , G. Molinié, G. Delrieu , and A. Berne, 2013: High resolution precipitation measurements during the HYMEX campaign : Preliminary results. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 7-12), 16:15–16:30.

[23] Zwiebel, J., J. S. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, Y. B. Pointin, B. Boudevillain, and G. Molinié , 2013: High resolution precipitation measurements during SOP1 over CV site: Preliminary results. In: Proceeding of the 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis, France, (Oct. 7-10), Poster 3.5.

32 Présentations dans une conférence en 2012

Retour vers la table des matières

[1] Bierwirth, E., A. Ehrlich , M. Wendisch, A. Herber, J.-F. Gayet, C. Gourbeyre, and A. Lampert, 2012: Spectral and hyperspectral characterization of Arctic boundary-layer clouds. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 14:00 P.12.27.

[2] Delanoë, J., A. Protat , J. Vinson, E. Fontaine, A. S chwarzenböck , and C. Flamant , 2012: RASTA: The airbone cloud radar, a tool for studying cloud and precipitation during HyMeX SOP1. In: Proceeding of the 6th HyMeX Workshop, Primosten, Croatia (May 7-10), ST6.4 15:15–15:30.

[3] Dionisi, D., P. Keckhut , C. Hoareau, N. Montoux, and F. Congeduti , 2012: Midlatitude cirrus analysis with lidars: Clustering and match approach. In: Proceeding of the 26th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Porto Heli, Peloponnesus, Greece (June 25-29), S3O–05.

[4] Drigeard, E., W. Wobrock , and A. I. Flossmann, 2012: Deep tropical convection forming over the continent and over the ocean: A comparison of their dynamics and microphysics by means of detailed cloud modeling. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 17:30 7.1.8.

[5] Dupuy, R., C. Duroure , and A. Schwarzenböck, 2012: Particle inter-arrival time analysis and shattering removal at high sampling speed and high particle concentration in mesoscale convective system. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 11:45 12.2.6.

[6] Duroure, C., R. Dupuy , O. Jourdan, M. Monier, A. S chwarzenböck , and E. Fontaine , 2012: Microphysical vertical structure of the melting layer in mesoscale convective systems. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 9:45 13.1.6.

[7] Ehrlich, A., M. Wendisch , E. Bierwirth, J.-F. Gayet, and A. Herber , 2012: Airborne hyperspectral observations of surface and cloud directional reflectivity using a commercial digital camera. In: Proceeding of the International Radiation Symposium 2012, Berlin, Germany (Aug. 6-10), P81 IRS2012–8, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/IRS2012/IRS2012-8.pdf.

[8] Fauchez, T., C. Cornet , F. Szczap, and P. Dubuisson, 2012: Assessment of cloud heterogeneities effects on brightness temperatures simulated with a 3D Monte-Carlo code in the thermal infrared. In: Proceeding of the International Radiation Symposium 2012, Berlin, Germany (Aug. 6-10), 15:00–15:15 IRS2012–268, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/IRS2012/IRS2012-268.pdf.

[9] Fauchez, T., P. Dubuisson , C. Cornet, and F. Szczap, 2012: Effects of cirrus cloud Heterogeneities on the optical and microphysical properties retrieved from infrared radiometry. In: Proceeding of the ICARE, CloudSat, EarthCARE Joint Workshop, Paris, France (June 18-22), P5.

[10] Flossmann, A. I. and W. Wobrock, 2012: Cloud processing of aerosol particles: consequences for precipitation? In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 8:30 8.1.1.

[11] Fontaine, E., J. Delano ë, A. Schwarzenböck , R. Dupuy, N. Viltard , A. Protat, C. Duroure, W. W obrock, and C. Gourbeyre , 2012: Comparisons of measured cloud reflectivity at 95 GHZ with forward modeled reflectivity using insitu particle size distributions . In: Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2012), Toulouse, France (June 25-29), 136 CR.

[12] Fontaine, E., A. Schwarzenb öck, A. Protat, J. Delano ë, R. Dupuy , W. Wobrock, C. Duroure, and C. Gourbeyre , 2012: Determination of area-diameter and mass-diameter relationships from ice particle imagery in order to deduce IWC within tropical convective clouds. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 14:00 P.12.29.

[13] Fontaine, E., A. Schwarzenb öck, N. Viltard, A. P rotat, J. Delano ë, C. Duroure, W. Wobrock , R. Dupuy, and C. Gourbeyre , 2012: Overview of microphysical properties of Tropical convective clouds observed in 2010 and 2011 Megha-Tropiques campaigns over West Africa and the Indian Ocean. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 11:30 3.2.5.

[14] Jeberger, P., C. Voigt , A. Petzold, I. Sölch, U. S chumann, J.-F. Gayet, T. J urkat, and D. Sch äuble, 2012: Has the aircraft type an impact on the microphysical parameters of young contrails? In: Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany (June 25-28), 16:50.

[15] Kaufmann, S., C. Voigt , D. Schäuble, A. Schwarzenb öck, H. Schlager , M. Zöger, T. Thornberry, and D. Fahey, 2012: High resolution measurements of relative humidity in young contrails with the Atmospheric Ionization Mass Spectrometer. In: Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany (June 25-28), A.04.

[16] Labbouz, L., J. S. Van Baelen, F. Tridon, M. Reverdy , M. Hagen, G. Dick, and T. G orgas, 2012: Precipitation on the lee side of the Vosges mountains : multi-instrumental study of one case from the COPS campaign. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 22-27), AS1.21–XY3, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2012/EGU2012-10150.pdf.

[17] Lambert, D., N. Kalthoff , F. Aemisegger, E. Bargain , Y. Bezombes, B. Campistron, S. Coquillat, U. Corsmeier , E. Defer, S. Derrien, R. Hankers , C. Jarnot, C. Kottmeier, J. Martin, J.-P. Pinty, S. P rieur, E. Richard , F. Saïd, J. S. Van Baelen, H. Wernli , and A. Wieser, 2012: CORSICA: A Mediterranean atmospheric observatory in Corsica – Scientific objectives and deployment strategy for HyMeX. In: Proceeding of the 6th HyMeX Workshop, Primosten, Croatia (May 7-10), PS1.2.

[18] Legorgeu, C., J. Pergaud , and W. Wobrock, 2012: A comparison of two techniques combining rain-gauge and radar measurements at high resolutions and its application to precipitation forecasts verification. In: Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2012), Toulouse, France (June 25-29), 216 NWP.

[19] Mioche, G., J. S. Van Baelen, and E. Buisson, 2012: The operational platform for rainfall monitoring and forecasting X-TREM. In: Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2012), Toulouse, France (June 25-29), 101 NOW.

[20] Mioche, G., J. S. Van Baëlen , and E. Buisson, 2012: The operational platform XTREM for rainfall measurement and monitoring. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 22-27), AS1.3–XY12, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2012/EGU2012-7922.pdf.

[21] Montoux, N., A. Klekociuk , M. Pitts, P. Keckhut, L. Di L iberto, M. Snels , N. Larsen, and C. David, 2012: Monitoring of the PSC evolution in Antarctica in August 2007 during IPY with the MATCH method applied to lidar data. In: Proceeding of the ICARE, CloudSat, EarthCARE Joint Workshop, Paris, France (June 18-22), P2.

[22] Patryl, L., L. Deguillaume , N. Chaumerliac, F. Tridon, and P. Armand , 2012: Extension to chemical products of the CERES platform used to evaluate the atmospheric dispersion and human health consequences of noxious releases. In: Proceeding of the NATO 32nd International Technical Meeting on "Air Pollution Modelling and its Application", Utrecht, The Netherlands (May 7-11), P 7.16.

[23] Planche, C., W. Wobrock , and A. I. Flossmann, 2012: Implementation of a time-dependent melting process in a 3D cloud model using a bin microphysics scheme. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 14:00 P.4.33.

[24] Protat, A., J. Delano ë, E. Fontaine, A. Schwarzenb öck, R. Dupuy, and C. Duroure, 2012: The microphysical properties of tropical ice cloud anvils from recent airborne cloud radar and in-situ microphysical measurements over Niamey, Niger and Gan Island, Maldives. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 9:45 3.1.6.

[25] Schwarzenböck, A. , 2012: La sonde précipitation PIP utilisée dans le cadre du projet Megha-Tropiques. In: Résumés de l’Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation, Paris (Mars 28-30) , 12h00.

[26] Schwarzenböck, A. , 2012: Plateforme aéroportée microphysique nuages. In: Résumés du premier colloque de restitution TOSCA (Terre, Océan, Surfaces continentales, Atmosphère) du CNES, Paris (Mars 21-22), P109.

[27] Szczap, F., C. Cornet , L. Labonnote, O. Jourdan, and Y. Gour , 2012: A 3D polarized Monte Carlo Lidar system simulator for studying cirrus inhomogeneities effects on Caliop/Calipso measurements. In: Proceeding of the International Radiation Symposium 2012, Berlin, Germany (Aug. 6-10), P15 IRS2012–380, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/IRS2012/IRS2012-380.pdf.

[28] Van Baelen, J. S. , L. Labbouz, and Y. B. Pointin, 2012: Rain heterogeneity studies and specific Z - R relationships determination with X-band and k-band radars to improve rain rate retrieval over urban basins. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 22-27), AS1.3–13h30, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2012/EGU2012-9195.pdf.

[29] Van Baelen, J. S. , Y. B. Pointin, and G. Mioche, 2012: The LaMP high resolution X band radar platform: Monitoring and investigation of precipitation heterogeneity. In: Proceeding of the 6th HyMeX Workshop, Primosten, Croatia (May 7-10), PS1.3.

[30] Van Baelen, J. S. , F. Tridon, G. Mioche, and Y. B. Pointin, 2012: Rain heterogeneity studies and specific Z-R relationships determination with X-band and k-band radars to improve rain rate retrieval over urban basins. In: Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2012), Toulouse, France (June 25-29), 40 QPE.

[31] Voigt, C., K. Graf , A. Schwarzenböck, U. Schumann, H. Schlager , P. Jeberger, T. Jurkat, A. P etzold, J.-F. Gayet, M. Krämer, T. Thornberry , D. Fahey, S. Kaufmann , D. Schäuble, A. Minikin, B. Weinzierl , M. Klingebiel , S. Molleker, W. Frey, S. Borrmann , M. Scheibe, F. Dahlkötter, A. Sch äfler, and A.rnbrack , 2012: Detection of microphysical and optical properties of young contrails and contrail cirrus - selected results from the CONCERT (CONtrail and Cirrus ExpeRimenT) aircraft campaigns 2008 and 2011. In: Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany (June 25-28), 15:00.

[32] Wobrock, W., E. Drigeard , E. Fontaine, E. Williams, M. Gosset , and F. Cazenave, 2012: A comparison of airborne in-situ cloud microphysical measurements with ground C and X band radar observations in African squall lines. In: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Leipzig, Germany (July 28-Aug. 3), 14:00 P.1.52.

18 Présentations dans une conférence en 2011

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[1] Anagnostou, M. N., J. Kalogiros, J. S. Van Baelen, F. S. Marzano , T. G. Chronis, J. A. Nystuen , M. Montopoli, E. N. Anagnostou, , and E. Picciotti , 2011: Advancing hydrometeorological use of multi-instruments for experimental investigation of precipitation structure, dynamics and microphysics in Eastern Mediterranean: HYDREX. In: Proceeding of the 13th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Savona, Italy (Sept. 7-9), Plinius13–55, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/Plinius13/Plinius13-55.pdf.

[2] Bousquet, O., J. J. Gourley , E. Anagnostou, D. P. Jorgensen, J. S. Van Baelen, J. R. Beck, A. Berne, Y. Dufournet , and M. Hagen, 2011: The weather radar component of HyMeX. In: Proceeding of the 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Pittsburgh, PA (Sep. 26-30), 5B.6, http://ams.confex.com/ams/35Radar/webprogram/Paper191916.html.

[3] Dupuy, R., C. Duroure , Étienne Fontaine , C. Gourbeyre , W. Wobrock, A. Schwarzenbö ck, D. Bouniol , and A. Protat, 2011: In-situ statistical validation of airborne reflectivity measurements during AMMA2006 and Megha-Tropiques 2010 experiments: importance of hydrometeor growth processes and particle size distribution variability. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY28, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11000.pdf.

[4] Flossmann, A. I. and W. Wobrock, 2011: Interaction of particulate pollution and precipitation. In: Proceeding of the Goldschmidt Conference "Sources, Sinks and Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols", Prague, Czech Republic (Aug. 14-19), Invited 14:45, http://www.goldschmidt2011.org/abstracts/finalPDFs/854.pdf.

[5] Freney, E. J., K. Sellegri, S. C rumeyrolle, C. Barbet , J.-M. Pichon, and A. Schwarzenbö ck, 2011: Time- and size-resolved characterization of submicron aerosol particles collected in during MEGAPOLI in Paris, France using an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY104, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11045.pdf.

[6] Gayet, J.-F., G. Mioche , A. Minikin, A. Dörnbrack, M. Wirth , B. Mayer, and C. Gourbeyre, 2011: On the observation of unusual high concentration of small ice particles near the top of a deep convective system during the CIRCLE-2 experiment. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY193, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-2695.pdf.

[7] bbeler, M., M. Hildebrandt , J. Meyer, C. Schiller, T. Hamburger , T. Jurkat, A. Minikin, A. P etzold, M. Rautenhaus , H. Schlager, U. Schumann, C. Voigt , P. Spichtinger, J.-F. Gayet, C. G ourbeyre, and M. Kr ämer, 2011: Thin and subvisible cirrus and contrails in a subsaturated environment. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY196, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11695.pdf.

[8] Lupascu, A., K. Sellegri , E. J. Freney, J. Boulon, G. F oret, G. Siour , A. Colomb, J.-M. Pichon, J. Gourdeau, and W. Wobrock , 2011: Mesoscale modeling of aerosol physical and chemical properties for observational stations at different altitudes. In: Proceeding of the IInd Conference on Air Pollution and Control (CAPAC II), Antalya, Turkey (Sept. 19-23), 12:30.

[9] Merlaud, A., N. Theys , B. Quennehen, A. Schwarzenb öck, M. Pommier, G. A ncellet, J. F. Burkhart , A. Stohl, M. V. Roozendael, and the BIRA-IASB DOAS Team , 2011: Airborne DOAS measurements of aerosol extinction and NO2 profiles in Arctic: two cases studies and their transport interpetation. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY50, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-12418.pdf.

[10] Mioche, G., H. Venzac , J. S. Van Baelen , and E. Buisson, 2011: XTREM : plateforme technologique pour la mesure à haute résolution des précipitations. In: ECOTECHS’2011 Capteurs et Systèmes de Mesures pour les applications environnementales, Montoldre, Allier (17-18 octobre), 10h30.

[11] Planche, C., A. I. Flossmann , and W. Wobrock, 2011: Development of a detailed ice melting scheme within bin microphysics in a 3D cloud model: An analysis based on an idealized simulation case. In: Proceeding of the XXV th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Melbourne, Australia (June 28-July 7), 1713.

[12] Planche, C., W. Wobrock , and A. I. Flossmann, 2011: Development of a detailed ice melting scheme within bin microphysics in a 3D cloud model. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY53, http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/posters/11-EGU-Planche.pdf.

[13] Quennehen, B., A. Schwarzenb öck, A. Matsuki, J. Schmale , H. Sodemann, G. Ancellet, J. S chneider, A. Stohl , J. Pelon, and K. Law, 2011: Pollution transported to the Arctic during the POLARCAT-France spring and summer 2008 campaigns: source regions and aerosol properties. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY51, http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/posters/11-EGU-Quennehen.pdf.

[14] Tridon, F., J. S. Van Baelen, and Y. B. Pointin, 2011: Automatic detection of spectral aliasing to avoid errors in Micro Rain Radar retrievals due to strong vertical wind. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), XY18, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11122.pdf.

[15] Tridon, F., J. S. Van Baelen, and Y. B. Pointin, 2011: Identification of convective and stratiform areas towards improved precipitation estimation with a local area X-band radar. In: Proceeding of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria (Apr. 3-8), 16:00–16:15, http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11099.pdf.

[16] Van Baelen, J. S. , L. Labbouz, F. Tridon, M. R everdy, M. Hagen , and T. M. Weckwerth, 2011: On the relationship between water vapor field evolution and precipitation systems lifecycle. In: Proceeding of the 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Pittsburgh, PA (Sep. 26-30), 40, http://ams.confex.com/ams/35Radar/webprogram/Paper191724.html.

[17] Van Baelen, J. S. , F. Tridon, and Y. B. Pointin, 2011: Rain heterogeneity studies and specific Z - R relationships determination with X-band and k-band radars to improve rain rate retrieval over an urban basin. In: Proceeding of the 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Pittsburgh, PA (Sep. 26-30), 144, http://ams.confex.com/ams/35Radar/webprogram/Paper191720.html.

[18] Wobrock, W., 2011: Modeling of mixed phase clouds with bin resolved cloud and aerosol microphysics in a 3D dynamical frame. In: Proceeding of the International Workshop on Ice Nucleation in Tropospheric Clouds (IN2clouds), Ettlingen/Karlsruhe, Germany (May 23-25), 14:00 Session 7.

2 Thèses soutenues en 2013

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[1] Labbouz, L., juin 2013 : Intéractions entre le champ de vapeur d’eau et les systèmes précipitants. . Thèse de Doctorat d’Université en Physique de l’Atmosphère, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 189 pp., http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/Theses/Th_Labbouz.pdf.

[2] Legorgeu, C., juin 2013 : Amélioration des estimations quantitatives des précipitations à hautes résolutions  : comparaison de deux techniques combinant les observations et application à la vérification spatiale des modèles météorologiques . Thèse de Doctorat d’Université en Physique de l’Atmosphère, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 222 pp., http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/Theses/Th_Legorgeu.pdf.

3 Thèses soutenues en 2011

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[1] Planche, C., juin 2011 : Développement et évaluation d’un modèle tridimensionnel de nuage mixte à microphysique détaillée  : Application aux précipitations orographiques.. Thèse de Doctorat d’Université en Physique de l’Atmosphère, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 179 pp., http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/Theses/Th_Planche.pdf.

[2] Quennehen, B., décembre 2011 : Étude des processus des aérosols transportés en Arctique à partir des mesures aéroportées durant le projet POLARCAT.. Thèse de Doctorat d’Université en Physique de l’Atmosphère, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 205 pp., http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/Theses/Th_Quennehen2011.pdf.

[3] Tridon, F., septembre 2011 : Mesure des précipitations à l’aide d’un radar en bande X non-cohérent à haute résolution et d’un radar en bande K à visée verticale. Application à l’étude de la variabilité des précipitations lors de la campagne COPS. . Thèse de Doctorat d’Université en Physique de l’Atmosphère, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 198 pp., http://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/atmos/fr/Theses/Th_Tridon2011.pdf.

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