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Calendrier 2013 d'existence des paramètres de du radar ST profileur de vent

2013 Calendar for the existence of the parameters of the ST wind profiler radar

VEO Vent Ouest=>Est (West=>East wind) (m/s) VNS Vent Sud=>Nord (South=>North wind) (m/s)
VV Vitesse verticale (Vertical velocity) (m/s)

Dates from => to Nb jours(days) VEO VNS VV
2013-01-01 => 2013-08-01 213 ok ok ok
2013-08-02 => 2013-08-03 2 no no no
2013-08-04 => 2013-09-23 51 ok ok ok
2013-09-24 => 2013-09-25 2 no no no
2013-09-26 => 2013-10-29 34 ok ok ok
Dates from => to Nb jours(days) VEO VNS VV

Contact : Baray, J.-L. LaMP/OPGC

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