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Calendrier 1995 d'existence des paramètres de d'ozone total satellitaire

1995 Calendar for the existence of the parameters of satellite total ozone

TOMS Contenu en ozone total TOMS (Total ozone TOMS) (DU) TOVS Contenu en ozone total TOVS (Total ozone TOVS) (DU)

Dates from => to Nb jours(days) TOMS TOVS
1995-07-27 => 1995-08-07 12 no ok
1995-08-08 => 1995-08-08 1 no no
1995-08-09 => 1995-11-06 90 no ok
1995-11-07 => 1995-11-07 1 no no
1995-11-08 => 1995-12-31 54 no ok
Dates from => to Nb jours(days) TOMS TOVS

Contact : Baray, J.-L. LaMP/OPGC

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