References of Frédéric Szczap of the LaMP/OPGC, FRANCE
Ordre inverse chronologique (inverse chronological order)
LaMP Frédéric Szczap
WWW : Page du LaMP/OPGC
- Fauchez T., A. B. Davis, C. Cornet, F. Szczap, S. Platnick, P. Dubuisson and F. Thieulieux, 2017
A fast hybrid (3D/1D) model for thermal radiative transfer in cirrus via successive orders of scattering
J. Geophy. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025607
- Fauchez T., S. Platnick, O. Sourdeval, K. Meyer, C. Cornet, Z. Zhang and F. Szczap,,2017
Cirrus Heterogeneity Effects on Cloud Optical Properties Retrieved with an Optimal Estimation Method from MODIS VIS to TIR Channels
AIP Conference Proceedings 1810, 040002 (2017) ;
doi 10.1063/1.4975504
- Peers, F.
; Waquet, F.
; Cornet, C.
; Dubuisson, P.
; Ducos, F.
; Goloub, P.
; Szczap, F.
; Tanré, D.
; Thieuleux, F.
Absorption of aerosols above clouds from POLDER/PARASOL measurements and estimation of their direct radiative effect
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Vol. 15
, p. 4179-4196 DOI
- Fauchez, T.
; Dubuisson, P.
; Cornet, C.
; Szczap, F.
; Garnier, A.
; Pelon, J.
; Meyer, K.
Impacts of cloud heterogeneities on cirrus optical properties retrieved from space-based thermal infrared radiometry
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
Vol. 8
, p. 633 DOI
- Fauchez, T.
; Cornet, C.
; Szczap, F.
; Dubuisson, P.
; Rosambert, T.
Impact of cirrus clouds heterogeneities on top-of-atmosphere thermal
infrared radiation
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Vol. 14
, No. 11
, p. 5599-5615 DOI
- Szczap, F.
; Gour, Y.
; Fauchez, T.
; Cornet, C.
; Faure, T.
; Jourdan, O.
; Penide, G.
; Dubuisson, P.
A flexible three-dimensional stratocumulus, cumulus and cirrus cloud
generator (3DCLOUD) based on drastically simplified atmospheric equations and
the Fourier transform framework
Geosci. Model Develop.
Vol. 7
, No. 4
, p. 1779-1801 DOI
- Cornet, C.
; Szczap, F.
; C.-Labonnote, L.
; Fauchez, T.
; Parol, F.
; Thieuleux, F.
; Riedi, J.
; Dubuisson, P.
; Ferlay, N.
Evaluation of cloud heterogeneity effects on total and polarized
visible radiances as measured by POLDER/PARASOL and consequences for retrieved
cloud properties
AIP Conf. Proc.
Vol. 1531
, p. 99-102 DOI
- Fauchez, T.
; Cornet, C.
; Szczap, F.
; Dubuisson, P.
Assessment of cloud heterogeneities effects on brightness temperatures
simulated with a 3D Monte Carlo code in the thermal infrared
AIP Conf. Proc.
Vol. 1531
, p. 75-78 DOI
- Szczap, F.
; Cornet, C.
; Alqassem, A.
; Gour, Y.
; C.-Labonnote, L.
; Jourdan, O.
A 3D polarized Monte Carlo LIDAR system simulator for studying effects
of cirrus inhomogeneities on CALIOP/CALIPSO measurements
AIP Conf. Proc.
Vol. 1531
, p.139-142 DOI
- Cornet, C.
; Labonnote, L.C.
; Szczap, F.
Three-dimensional polarized Monte Carlo atmospheric radiative transfer
model (3DMCPOL): 3D effects on polarized visible reflectances of a cirrus cloud
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer
Vol. 111
, No. 1
, p. 174-186 DOI
- Vidot, J.
; Jourdan, O.
; Kokhanosvky, A.A.
; Szczap, F.
; Giraud †, V.
; Rozanov, V.V.
Retrieval of tropospheric NO2 columns from satellite
measurements in presence of cirrus: A theoretical sensitivity study using
SCIATRAN and prospect application for the A-Train
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer
Vol. 111
, No. 4
, p. 586-601 DOI
- Bouet, C.
; Szczap, F.
; Leriche, M.
; Benassi, A.
What is the effect of cloud inhomogeneities on actinic fluxes and
chemical species concentrations?
Geophys. Res. Lett.
Vol. 33
, No. 1
, L01818, DOI
- Cahalan, R.F.
; Oreopoulos, L.
; Marshak, A.
; Evans, K.F.
; Davis, A.B.
; Pincus, R.
; Yetzer, K.H.
; Mayer, B.
; Davies, R.
; Ackerman, T.P.
; Barker, H.W.
; Clothiaux, E.E.
; Ellingson, R.G.
; Garay, M.J.
; Kassianov, E.
; Kinne, S.
; Macke, A.
; O'Hirok, W.
; Partain, P.T.
; Prigarin, S.M.
; Rublev, A.N.
; Stephens, G.L.
; Szczap, F.
; Takara, E.E.
; Várnai, T.
; Wen, G.
; Zhuravleva, T.B.
THE I3RC: Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools
for Cloudy Atmospheres
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Vol. 86
, No. 9
, p. 1275-1293 DOI
- Benassi, A.
; Szczap, F.
; Davis, A.
; Masbou, M.
; Cornet, C.
; Bleuyard, P.
Thermal radiative fluxes through inhomogeneous cloud fields: a
sensitivity study using a new stochastic cloud generator
Atmos. Res.
Vol. 72
, No. 1-4
, p. 291-315 DOI
- Cornet, C.
; Isaka, H.
; Guillemet, B.
; Szczap, F.
Neural network retrieval of cloud parameters of inhomogeneous clouds
from multispectral and multiscale radiance data: Feasibility study
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 109
, No. D12
, D1 2203, DOI
- Szczap, F.
; Isaka, H.
; Saute, M.
; Guillemet, B.
; Gour, Y.
Inhomogeneity effects of 1D and 2D bounded cascade model clouds on
their effective radiative properties
Phys. Chem. Earth-Part B
Vol. 25
, No. 2
, p. 83-90
- Szczap, F.
; Isaka, H.
; Saute, M.
; Guillemet, B.
; Ioltukhovski, A.
Effective radiative properties of bounded cascade nonabsorbing clouds:
Definition of the equivalent homogeneous cloud approximation
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 105
, No. D16
, p. 20,617-20,634
DOI 10.1029/2000JD900146
- Szczap, F.
; Isaka, H.
; Saute, M.
; Guillemet, B.
; Ioltukhovski, A.
Effective radiative properties of bounded cascade absorbing clouds:
Definition of an effective single-scattering albedo
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 105
, No. D16
, p. 20,635-20,648
DOI 10.1029/2000JD900145
- Szczap, F.
Étude des effets des hétérogénéités
des nuages sur leurs propriétés radiatives effectives et leurs
Thèse de l'Université Blaise Pascal;
spécialité : Physique de l'Atmosphère. Clermont-Ferrand,
149 pp..