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Personal page Andrea Flossmann


Flossmann, Andrea


Research interests : Modelling of cloud microphysics and cloud physico-chemistry

Coordinates : LaMP, Physics building 5, 2nd floor,
Tel : 04 73 40 73 51



1975-1982 :

Studies of meteorology at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz (Germany); Dipl. Met. in 1982

1982-1987 :

PhD at the Institut für Meteorologie at the Johannes Gutenberg- Universität in Mainz (Germany); Dr. rer. nat. in 1987 (summa cum laude)

between 83 et 86 :

4 long duration stays at NCAR (Boulder, CO, USA) and UCLA (LA, CA, USA)

1987 :

Award of the Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz for the best thesis in 1987 at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität

1987-1993 :

Hochschulassistentin (C1) at the Institut für Meteorologie of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz (Germany)

since 1993 :

Professor at the Université Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand in the Laboratoire de Méréorologie Physique

2009 :

promoted Professor EX1

2013 :

promoted "Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques"

  married, 2 children
  french and german citizenship


My research is directed towards the study of physico-chemical processes in clouds considering in particular the unknowns in the process of nucleation of liquid drops and ice crystals and their interaction. These processes influence, e.g., significantly the formation of precipitation.

This research is based essentially on a modelling approach of clouds using three-dimensional meso-scale models with a bin resolved representation of warm and cold microphysics, as well as the particulate pollution in the hydrometeors and in clear air. The tools are the model of Clark and co-workers, as well as the model DESCAM.

The objectif is the understanding of the physico-chemical processes in clouds; the development of parameterizations for incorporation in larger scale models and the development of benchmark models to test these parameterizations. Recently, the subject has been enlarged to the study of the potential role of bio-aerosols (in particular bacteria) in the formation of precipitation.


fluid-mechanics : lectures in bachelor and masters level and engineer school
thermodynamics : lectures in masters level, and preparation of teaching courses
boundary layer : lectures in masters level and preparation to enter METEO-FRANCE
cloud physics : lectures in masters level
water cycle and energy fluxes : bachelor level
climatology : bachelor level in geo science
atmospheric processes on the regional and local scale: evaluation of pollution risks envam (internet course)


> 10 projects of DEA or masters degree
14 Phd thesis (2 ongoing)
2 habilitation thesis
> 20 participation in defense comitees of PhD or habilitation

Administrative activites:

2013- :
President of the french section of IAMAS/IUGG
President of the "executive commitee" of the "International Commission on clouds and precipitation" (ICCP/IAMAS/IUGG)
2004- 2012:
Vice-president of the "executive commitee" of the "International Commission on clouds and precipitation" (ICCP/IAMAS/IUGG)

2008- ; 99-00; 97-99 :

nominated or elected CNU37 (comitee of the french Ministry)
since 2008 expert for evaluation agency AERES (laboratories and teaching courses)
2004-2010 :

Director of OPGC (Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand ; UMS 833)

2002-2010 :
chief editor of Atmospheric Research
2002-2009 :

responsible of ORE/SO BEAM (Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement : Biophysicochimie de l’eau atmosphérique et modifications anthropiques)

2005-2006 :
member of expert comitee of ANR for the subjects « unspecified calls  » and « young researchers » in planetary sciences

nominated member of the « Comité National » of the CNRS, section 12

96-00 :
Chairman of the Scientific Steering Comitee (SSC) of EUROTRAC II
95-04 :

co-responsability of the part « Clermont-Ferrand » of the DEA CPCA between Université Blaise Pascal and Université Joseph Fourrier of Grenoble

94-95 :

responsability of the DEA «Earth and atmospheric sciences » option atmosphere

97-99 :
President/ Vice-president of the Physics department of the Université Blaise Pascal
97-99 :
Member of the "EC Science Panel in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry Research" of the EU
reviewer for numerous journals and national and international research funding bodies

participation in the organisation of numerous workshop and congresses

Coordination of major projects

2006-2011 :
Coordinator of the infrastructure project EUSAAR in the 6th FP
2009-2012 :
Coordinator of the project BIOCLOUDS INSU/LEFE and DFG (Germany)
1996-1999 :
Coordinator in the ENVIRONNEMENT et CLIMAT program of the EU in the 4th FP: (CIME: Cloud Ice Mountain Experiment)


* more than 50 publications in majors journals:

link to the major publications

*more than 70 other publications (proceedings, ..) and more than 70 communications at conferences, scientific seminars and conferences for a larger public, etc

* Book chapters:

Flossmann, A., 2007: Models of clouds, precipitation and storms; In "Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences" Part 3. Meteorology and Climatology , DOI 10.1002/0470848944.hsa034 (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd), 463-477

* Book for the larger public:   La physique au quotient : Petit traité à l’usage des enfants curieux ; 2007. Les cahiers du CRDP d’Auvergne. ISBN 978-286619-286-0 ; co-auteur : A. Flossmann; 79pp

last update: march 2011


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