Etna R-T monitoring |
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VOLDORAD 2B, a collaborative effort

Panoramic view of the southern flank
of Etna showing the INGV shelter at La Montagnola housing
the volcanological Doppler radar VOLDORAD 2B of the OPGC devoted
to the monitoring of eruptions, along with its micropatch
antenna designed at UNICAL (without its radome) aiming at
the summit craters.
A volcanological Doppler radar (VOLDORAD 2B), similar to VOLDORAD, has been
installed on the site of La Montagnola, about 3.5 km SSE of Etna's summit, in
July 2009, in order to continuously monitor the eruptive activity of the summit
craters in real-time and by all weather. VOLDORAD 2B has been designed and built
at OPGC through a research contract between INGV
Catania (Italy) and Université Blaise Pascal (OPGC) and a dedicated
micropatch antenna was built by UNICAL (L. Boccia, G. Di Massa). Radar data
are acquired jointly by the INGV Catania and OPGC in the framework of a technical
and scientific collaboration agreement between INGV-CNRS-Université Blaise
Pascal (OPGC). The purpose of the radar surveillance of Etna, achieved in collaboration
with the INGV Catania, is twofold: (1) the mitigation of volcanic risks at Etna
by better assessing the hazards arising from ash plumes and (2) the detailed
study of the volcano activity and its environmental impact.
Regarding hazard assessment, VOLDORAD 2B turns out to be a unique
and powerful tool, providing all-weather early detection of explosive
activity and real-time quantitative information on the eruption
intensity, by means of near-source measurements of ejecta velocity
and echo power. The integration of VOLDORAD 2B in the monitoring
network of INGV on Etna and cross-correlations with signals of other
sensors should bring valuable information on shallow volcanic processes
and their relationships with surface activity. The correlation of
maximum radar velocities to the tremor amplitude, for example, emphasizes
the role of gas on the tremor generation at shallow depth at Etna
(Dubosclard, Donnadieu et al., 2004; Donnadieu et al. 2005). For
instance, this surveillance radar could give early warning on any
shift in the evolution of the explosive activity, even at night
or during poor weather, and possibly indicate early transport speed
of wind-drifted ash clouds. This is an important help for decisions
regarding alert bulletins, possible air traffic disruption, closure
of infrastructures like the Catania international airport Fontanarossa,
and actions to limit the discomfort of the inhabitants of Catania
and villages surrounding Etna.
Regarding the second objective, The long-term scientific collaboration between the OPGC and INGV should lead to the achievement of a database of radar signals characterizing different eruptive regimes and thus improving our knowledge of jet dynamics and of the variability of eruptive activity at Etna. Based on inversion methods we have developed (Gouhier and Donnadieu, 2008), we are willing to quantitatively estimate fluxes and total amount of gas and particles emitted by the volcano during each eruptive episode and constrain the amount of volcanic material released in the atmosphere.