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GAZVOLC : Service d'Observation des gaz volcaniques

Statement of Intent :
GazVolc is an observation system within France’s National Service for Volcanological Observation (SNOV).
The system contributes databases for volcanic gas emission.
The study of magmatic degassing and of hydrothermal systems is of the utmost importance in furthering our understanding
of the hazards these systems pose, and of paramount importance to optimise their monitoring. As the speed of gas ascent towards the
surface is much greater than that of the magma, any change in composition or flux of magmatic gases and/or volcanic fluids at the surface
will thus bring us information on what is occurring at depth (i.e. the physio-chemical interactions between volcanic gases,
surrounding rocks and rain water, and the arrival at depth of new magma and gas inputs).
Magmatic gases and/or volcanic fluids are thus a privileged interface between deep magma and the surface, and they are
therefore an important tool for monitoring both quiescent and active volcanoes. Time series of gas fluxes and composition can be
correlated with geophysical dataset to provide robust assessment of volcanic activity and for the interpretation of its time and space evolution.
Objectives :
The objective of GazVolc is to produce in near-real time or on a regular basis :
- time series of the chemical composition (mainly H2O, H2, CO2, CO, SO2, H2S, HCl)
- and the fluxes of magmatic gases and/or volcanic fluids
In order to identify any change in volcanic activity and, eventually, precursor signs of magma ascent and potential intrusion or eruption.
This is an effort sanctioned by OPGC, LMV, IPGP, and Labex ClerVolc.
Use of the data
© 2016, GAZVOLC (OPGC). Data can only be published with permission.
Staff :
Andrea Di Muro (Physicien-Adjoint, IPGP-OVPF),
Séverine Moune (Physicienne-Adjointe, LMV-OPGC)
Céline Dessert (Physicienne-Adjointe, IPGP-OVSG),
Swetha Venugopal (PhD. Student, LMV-SFU),
Guillaume Boudoire (PhD. Student, IPGP-OVPF)
Technical Support
Martial Bontemps (Ingénieur de Recherche, OPGC),
Philippe Kowalsky (Ingénieur, IPGP-OVPF),
Vincent Robert (Ingénieur d‚Etude, IPGP-OVSG),
Thierry-Gaëtan Kitou (Ingénieur d‚Etude, IPGP-OVSG),
Jean-Luc Devidal (Ingénieur d‚Etude, UBP-UFSRT)