La liste de ces références est aussi disponible de Yves Pointin sur demande sous la forme d'un fichier (refer_labo.bib) pour le programme bibliographique BibTeX du progiciel LaTeX.

The list of these references is also available from Yves Pointin on request as a bibliographic file (refer_labo.bib) for the BibTeX program of the LaTeX word processing system.

Audiffren, N. ; Chaumerliac, N. ; Renard, M. 1996
Effects of a polydisperse cloud on tropospheric chemistry
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 101 , No. D20 , p. 25,949-25,966 (96JD01548)

Borde, R. ; Isaka, H. 1996
Radiative transfer in multifractal clouds
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Cautenet, G. ; Gbe, D. 1996
Diagnosis of cirrus cloud occurrence using large-scale analysis data and a cloud-scale model
Ann. Geophysicae Vol. 14 , No. 7 , p. 753-766 (Springer-Verlag)

Chervet, P. ; Isaka, H. ; Nakajima, T. 1996
Influence of crystal shapes on radiative fluxes in visible wavelength: ice crystals randomly oriented in space
Ann. Geophysicae Vol. 14 , No. 8 , p. 837-845 (Springer-Verlag)

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Modeling ozone and carbon monoxide redistribution by shallow convection over the Amazonian rain forest
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Flossmann, A. I. ; Wobrock, W. 1996
Venting of gases by convective clouds
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Microphysical and Optical Properties of Cirrus and Contrails: Cloud Field Study on 13 October 1989
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Gayet, J.-F. ; Febvre, G. ; Larsen, H. 1996
The Reliability of the PMS FSSP in the Presence of Small Ice Crystals
J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. Vol. 13 , No. 6 , p. 1300-1310 (AMS)

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The Use of Two-Stream Approximations for the Parameterization of Solar Radiative Energy Fluxes through Vegetation
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Poix, C. ; Febvre, G. ; Fouilloux, A. ; Larsen, H. ; Gayet, J.-F. 1996
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Verstraete, M.M. ; Pinty, B. ; Myneni, R.B. 1996
Potential and Limitations of Information Extraction on the Terrestrial Biosphere from Satellite Remote Sensing
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The New Zealand Southern Alps Experiment
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Estimation of microwave parameters of crops from radiometric measurements
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