La liste de ces références est aussi disponible de Yves Pointin sur demande sous la forme d'un fichier (refer_labo.bib) pour le programme bibliographique BibTeX du progiciel LaTeX.

The list of these references is also available from Yves Pointin on request as a bibliographic file (refer_labo.bib) for the BibTeX program of the LaTeX word processing system.

Bougeault, P. ; Jansá, A. ; Attié, J.-L. ; Beau, I. ; Benech, B. ; Benoit, R. ; Bessemoulin, P. ; Caccia, J.-L. ; Campins, J. ; Carissimo, B. ; Champeaux, J.-L. ; Crochet, M. ; Druilhet, A. ; Durand, P. ; Elkhalfi, A. ; Flamant, P. ; Genoves, A. ; Georgelin, M. ; Hoinka, K.P. ; Klaus, V. ; Koffi, E. ; Kotroni, V. ; Mazaudier, C. ; Pelon, J. ; Petitdidier, M. ; Pointin, Y. B. ; Puech, D. ; Richard, E. ; Satomura, T. ; Stein, J. ; Tannhauser, D. 1993
The atmospheric momentum budget over a major mountain range: first results of the PYREX field program
Ann. Geophysicae Vol. 11 , No. , p. 395-418 (Springer-Verlag)

Brémaud, P.J. ; Pointin, Y. B. 1993
Forecasting heavy rainfall from rain cell motion using radar data
J. Hydrol. Vol. 142 , No. , p. 373-389 (Elsevier)

Gayet, J.-F. ; Brown, P.R.A. ; Albers, F. 1993
A comparison of in-cloud measurements obtained with six PMS 2D-C probes
J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. Vol. 10 , No. , p. 180-194 (AMS)

Marecal, V. ; Hauser, D. ; Duroure, C. 1993
Airborne microphysical measurements and radar reflectivity observations near a cold frontal rainband observed during the FRONTS-87 experiment
Atmos. Res. Vol. 29 , No. , p. 179-207 (Elsevier)

Pinty, B. ; Leprieur, C. ; Verstraete, M.M. 1993
Towards a quantitative interpretation of vegetation indices. Part 1: Biophysical canopy properties and classical indices
Remote Sens. Reviews Vol. 7 , No. , p. 127-150 (Elsevier)

Rahman, H. ; Pinty, B. ; Verstraete, M.M. 1993
Coupled surface-atmosphere reflectance (CSAR) model - Part 2: Semi-empirical surface model usable with NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer data
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 98 , No. D11 , p. 20,791-20,801 (AGU)

Rahman, H. ; Verstraete, M.M. ; Pinty, B. 1993
Coupled surface-atmosphere reflectance (CSAR) model - Part 1: Model description and inversion on synthetic data
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 98 , No. D11 , p. 20,779-20,789 (AGU)

Saute, M. 1993
The influence of tropospheric static stability on upper-level frontogenesis
Tellus A Vol. 45 , No. , p. 159-167 (Munksgaard)

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