La liste de ces références est aussi disponible de Yves Pointin sur demande sous la forme d'un fichier (refer_labo.bib) pour le programme bibliographique BibTeX du progiciel LaTeX.

The list of these references is also available from Yves Pointin on request as a bibliographic file (refer_labo.bib) for the BibTeX program of the LaTeX word processing system.

Chaumerliac, N. ; Richard, E. ; Rosset, R. 1990
Mesoscale modeling of acidity production in orographic clouds and rain
Atmos. Environ. Vol. 24A , No. , p. 1573-1584 (Elsevier)

Bougeault, P. ; Jansa Clar, A. ; Benech, B. ; Carissimo, B. ; Pelon, J. ; Richard, E. 1990
Momentum budget over the Pyrénées : The PYREX experiment
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Vol. 71 , No. , p. 806-818 (AMS)

Dickinson, R.E. ; Pinty, B. ; Verstraete, M.M. 1990
Relating surface albedos in GCMs to remotely sensed data
Agric. Forest Meteor. Vol. 52 , No. , p. 109-131 (Elsevier)

Duroure, C. ; Guillemet, B. 1990
Analyse des hétérogénéités spatiales des stratocumulus et cumulus
Atmos. Res. Vol. 25 , No. , p. 331-350 (Elsevier)

Messaoud, M. ; Pointin, Y. B. 1990
Small time and space measurements of the mean rainfall rate made by a gage network and by a dual polarization radar
J. Appl. Meteor. Vol. 29 , No. , p. 830-841 (AMS)

Pinty, B. ; Verstraete, M.M. ; Dickinson, R.E. 1990
A physical model of the bidirectional reflectance of vegetation canopies. Part 2 : Inversion and validation
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 95 , No. D8 , p. 11767-11775 (AGU)

Richard, E. ; Mascart, P. ; Nickerson, E.C. 1990
Examples of the role of surface friction in downslope windstorms
Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Bioklimatol. Vol. 43 , No. , p. 163-172 (??)

Verstraete, M.M. ; Pinty, B. ; Dickinson, R.E. 1990
A physical model of the bidirectional reflectance of vegetation canopies. Part 1 : Theory
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 95 , No. D8 , p. 11755-11766 (AGU)

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