La liste de ces références est aussi disponible de Yves Pointin sur demande sous la forme d'un fichier (refer_labo.bib) pour le programme bibliographique BibTeX du progiciel LaTeX.

The list of these references is also available from Yves Pointin on request as a bibliographic file (refer_labo.bib) for the BibTeX program of the LaTeX word processing system.

Cautenet, G. ; Legrand, M. ; Cautenet, S. 1992
Thermal impact of Saharan dust over land. Part I: Simulation
J. Appl. Meteor. Vol. 31 , No. , p. 166-180 (AMS)

Chaumerliac, N. ; Rosset, R. ; Renard, M. ; Nickerson, E.C. 1992
The transport and redistribution of atmospheric gases in regions of frontal rain
J. Atmos. Chem. Vol. 14 , No. , p. 43-51 (Kluwer)

Fouquart, Y. ; Isaka, H. 1992
Sulfur emission, CCN, clouds and climate: A review
Ann. Geophysicae Vol. 10 , No. , p. 462-471 (Springer-Verlag)

Gayet, J.-F. ; Soulage, R.G. 1992
Observation of high particle concentrations in convective cells and cloud glaciation evolution
Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. Vol. 118 , No. Part B , p. 177-190 (Roy. Meteor. Soc.)

Gayet, J.-F. ; Personne, P. ; Guffond, D. 1992
Le givrage atmosphérique
La Météorologie Vol. 7 , No. , p. 18-23 (Météo-France)

Legrand, M. ; Cautenet, G. ; Buriez, J.-C. 1992
Thermal impact of Saharan dust over land. Part II: Application to satellite IR remote sensing
J. Appl. Meteor. Vol. 31 , No. , p. 181-193 (AMS)

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