References of Marie Monier of the LaMP/OPGC, FRANCE

Ordre inverse chronologique (inverse chronological order)

Mél. : Marie Monier

WWW : Page du LaMP/OPGC

  1. Leroy, D. ; Monier, M. ; Wobrock, W. ; Flossmann, A. I. 2006
    A numerical study of the effects of the aerosol particle spectrum on the development of the ice phase and precipitation formation
    Atmos. Res. Vol. 80 , No. 1 , p. 15-45 DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2005.06.007 (Elsevier)
  2. Monier, M. ; Wobrock, W. ; Gayet, J.-F. ; Flossmann, A. I. 2006
    Development of a Detailed Microphysics Cirrus Model Tracking Aerosol Particles' Histories for Interpretation of the Recent INCA Campaign
    J. Atmos. Sci. Vol. 63 , No. 2 , p. 504-525 DOI 10.1175/JAS3656.1 (AMS)
  3. Gayet, J.-F. ; Ovarlez, J. ; Shcherbakov, V. ; Ström, J. ; Schumann, U. ; Minikin, A. ; Auriol, F. ; Petzold, A. ; Monier, M. 2004
    Cirrus cloud microphysical and optical properties at southern and northern midlatitudes during the INCA experiment
    J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 109 , No. D20 , D20206, DOI 10.1029/2004JD004803 (AGU)
  4. Gierens, K.M. ; Monier, M. ; Gayet, J.-F. 2003
    The deposition coefficient and its role for cirrus clouds
    J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 108 , No. D2 , 4069, DOI 10.1029/2001JD00155 8 (AGU)
  5. Wobrock, W. ; Flossmann, A. I. ; Monier, M. ; Pichon, J.-M. ; Cortez, L. ; Fournol, J.-F. ; Schwarzenböck, A. ; Mertes, S. ; Heintzenberg, J. ; Laj, P. ; Orsi, G. ; Ricci, L. ; Fuzzi, S. ; Brink, H.T. ; Jongejan, P. ; Otjes, R. 2001
    The Cloud Ice Mountain Experiment (CIME) 1998: experiment overview and modelling of the microphysical processes during the seeding by isentropic gas expansion
    Atmos. Res. Vol. 58 , No. 4 , p. 231-265 DOI 10.1016/S0169-8095(01)00094-1 (Elsevier)

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