Take me to HOTVOLC
I - HOTVOLC : Observing System
HOTVOLC is a web-based satellite-data-driven reporting system dedicated to the real-time observation of volcanic products.
This application is developed and managed by the Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC). It uses on-site automated
ingestion of MSG-SEVIRI geostationary satellite
data from EUMETSAT primary dissemination protocol using the Digital Video Broadcasting -
Satellite 2 (DVB-S2) service.
This allows acquisition of High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) level 1.5 format, corresponding
to image data that have been corrected for unwanted radiometric and geometric effects. Images are geolocated, calibrated and radiance linearized.
HRIT digital numbers are converted into spectral radiance (in Wm-2.sr-1.μm-1) and then
processed through validated algorithm for direct dissemination of ready-to-use products on a full web-GIS interface.
This application allows you to interactively browse satellite imagery and associated products for both real-time (RT) and past events.
II - HOTVOLC : Deliverables
We currently provide real-time Earth Observation (EO) products of volcanic activity at a 15-min time step on about 50 targets.
Data provided can be :
- Lava monitoring :
- Thermal state @3.9μm
(geotiff map + CSV timeseries)
- Total spectral radiance
(CSV timeseries)
- Number of hot spots
(CSV timeseries)
- Discharge rate (m3/s)
(CSV timeseries)
- Ash monitoring :
- BTD 3-Band method
(geotiff map + CSV timeseries)
- Area
(CSV timeseries)
- SO2 monitoring :
- BTD tropospheric @8.7μm
(geotiff map + CSV timeseries)
- Area
(CSV timeseries)
Mathieu Gouhier (Physicien-Adj, OPGC)
Philippe Labazuy (Physicien-Adj, OPGC)
Yannick Guéhenneux (IE-CDD, EPOS/OPGC)
Technical staff:
Philippe Cacault (IE-ITARF, Resp. SDI, OPGC)
Yannick Guéhenneux (IE-CDD, EPOS/OPGC)
Gaël Raux (engineering student, ISIMA)
Sandrine Rivet (IE-ITARF, OPGC)
Judicaël Decriem (IR-CDD, OPGC)
Jean-Claude Bergès (IR, Paris 1)
IV - HOTVOLC : Support
- OPGC (Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand)
- CNRS-INSU : SNOV (Service National d'Observation en Volcanologie)
- CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)
- EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites)